
Where 1=1 처럼 동적으로 set 컬럼을 바꾸고 싶을때


방법1. Mybatis 해결 : <set> 사용 (추천)


            <if test="meterChangeUsage != null and meterChangeUsage !=''">

                gmp.METER_CHANGE_USAGE = #{meterChangeUsage} ,


            <if test="meterChangeDt != null and meterChangeDt !=''">

                gmp.METER_CHANGE_DT = #{meterChangeDt} ,


            <if test="contractMethod != null and contractMethod !=''">

                gai.CONTRACT_METHOD = #{contractMethod} ,


            <if test="contractCapacity != null and contractCapacity !=''">

                gai.CONTRACT_CAPACITY = #{contractCapacity} ,




방법2. 쿼리로 해결 : 바꾸려는 컬럼을 기존 값으로  번더 사용     (비추) 

            set gmp.METER_CHANGE_USAGE =  gmp.METER_CHANGE_USAGE

            <if test="meterChangeUsage != null and meterChangeUsage !=''">

                gmp.METER_CHANGE_USAGE = #{meterChangeUsage} ,


            <if test="meterChangeDt != null and meterChangeDt !=''">

                gmp.METER_CHANGE_DT = #{meterChangeDt} ,


            <if test="contractMethod != null and contractMethod !=''">

                gai.CONTRACT_METHOD = #{contractMethod} ,


            <if test="contractCapacity != null and contractCapacity !=''">

                gai.CONTRACT_CAPACITY = #{contractCapacity} ,



<set> 사용시 마지막 ,(콤마) 자동적으로 제거



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